Pandora’s Box: Facial Jargon
Many faces are often witnessed in this club, some good, some bad… and most ugly.
Exhibit A:Pandora’s Box
This wet slot has claimed many faces, but as you will see, none as colourful as the next few images.
Exhibit B: Looking cool
As much as it pains me to admit, this is a cool face. Determined, yet a deep understanding of the complicated mechanisms of life, perhaps gained from experiences in a remote country in a past existence… Or it’s just Matt “what a t**t” Kelly feeling good for getting a great line.
Exhibit C: Fear
For some strange reason a recurring theme of fear has been witnessed on this feature, maybe people their faces a little too much?
Exhibit D: Distain
The sort of distain that says “I cocked that up and I’m not happy about it”…”not one bit”.
Exhibit E: Fear?
Another Example of fear, yet this fear is a little odd looking.
Exhibit F: F***
This time, Distain turns into F***, “F***, I really cocked this up and I’m now heading to Pinsville…Sideways”.
Exhibit G: One Last Ugly breath
The High brace fails, what do you do?! Breathe deep my friend, breathe deep and fast.
Exhibit H: Ahhhh
Looking at it will not make it go away!
Exhibit I: The Stiff Upper Lip
Remaining ever composed, Sylvester you maintain unparalleled river etiquette.
Exhibit J: Literal Relief
Huw feeling several pounds lighter here.
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