Poor clive.
Monthly Archives: March 2012
Scotland 2012 – So Far
We’re having a blast in Scotland so far. Despite levels being low for the first couple of days we’ve managed to get some decent paddling in. After a day paddling the Orchy on Saturday we ran the Spleen George and the Roy Gorge yesterday with plenty of carnage and a fair share of faff, true to SUCC tradition. Today we’ve had a little Etive session in the rain. In fact, so much rain that by the time we walked up to the Allt A’Chaorainn it was absolutely stonking. A few of the guys ran it: check out all of the pictures below.
SUCC AGM Results for the Year 2012 – 2013
Congratulations to the new committee, and commiserations to those who didn’t get what they were going for, there were some very close votes in there!
The new committee is as follows:
President: Dennis Martin
VP: Will Innes
Secretary: Pernille Fladsrud
Treasurer: Hugh Jenkinson
Training: Sam Faithful
Kit: Tristan Edey
Safety: Tom Keogh
Web: Dean Ousby
Social: Nat Baker and Doug Clifton

Committee 2012-2013L to R (Training, VP, Social x2, Treasurer, Sec , Web Sec, Safety, Pres, Kit Sec)
Well done once again for your excellent campaigning efforts, and completing last night’s challenges in good spirits. This whole process has been thoroughly entertaining for the past few weeks.
As stated previously, the current committee will remain in power until after the handover meeting which will take place at some point TBC after Easter.
SUCC wins NSR 2012
We might have only just gone and won NSR this year. One new stripy tiger mamba to add to our boat collection. A better write up will come shortly ……. for the moment see a video of the making of the boat.
Finalists were:
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