Thom, Stabby & Matt – good effort (I think?)
Monthly Archives: February 2012
Stand up and be counted – AGM
That time of year is fast approaching again. That’s right, the SUCC AGM is nearly upon us, and that means one thing. Nominations for new committee!
If you would like to run for any role, or are currently unsure, take a look at the responsibilities required of you here:
The AGM will be held on Wednesday March 14th. Keep this date free, as if you want a realistic chance of being elected you will need to be at this meeting!
To nominate yourself for a role, you must do the following:
a) Contact a member of the committee and ask them to sponsor you. This is primarily a formality, and committee members can sponsor multiple people for multiple roles (including different people for the same role and the same person for different roles).
b) Email Matt Wright with your name, the roles for which you will be running, and the name of your sponsoring committee member.
c) Start campaigning like crazy! It is clear from past results that a strong entertaining campaign (by whatever means deemed necessary) can have a dramatic impact on the results.
Nominations are now open, so start campaigning and may the best candidate win!