Description of Committee Roles
The SUCC Constitution requires an Executive Committee of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer to be elected at each AGM. In addition to this, a number of General Members can be elected, with special responsibilities assigned to them.
Generally, this will include a:
The constitution also defines what some of the committee members should be doing. In practice, things will be delegated sensibly, but all committee members still have overall responsibility for certain things. This is intended to be a rough guide to the responsibilities of each committee member.
Shared Responsibilities
Everyone on the committee has some shared responsibilities:
- Budgeting, setting membership fees, discussing and voting on issues affecting the club.
- Helping other committee members to organise and run trips throughout the year.
- Assist with the organisation, promotion and running of events and and training sessions- particularly in the initial fresher’s week.
- Keeping the club website and calendar up to date.
- Leading the club committee to ensure that everything which needs to get done gets done.
- Chairing committee meetings.
- Being the public face of the club.
- Taking control of incidents and exceptional circumstances.
- Being the main point of contact with the uni and students union, attempting to influence policy where necessary to protect the interests of the club.
- Covering any random jobs which need covering alongside the VP.
- Ultimate responsibility for safety.
- Organising Scotland with the VP.
- Being the secondary welfare rep for the club.
Vice President
- Assist other committee members in their duties.
- Make sure the president doesn’t burn out by taking on some of their workload.
- Basically do whatever doesn’t get done.
- Organise Scotland with the president.
- Covering the president’s role in cases of absence/illness.
- Responsible for creating budgets.
- Responsible for the club’s grant applications.
- Ensures club debt remains at manageable levels.
- Monitors cash flow to keep the club operating year round.
- Needs to be very good at saying no to the rest of committee!
- Presents the financial report at AGM.
- Organise transport (boats and people) for weekend trips.
- Organise insurance for vehicles.
- Should minute all club meetings.
- Books rooms for committee meetings and club talks/meetings (e.g. Welcome talk, safety talk and AGM).
Welfare Secretary
- A friendly face at events who is open, welcoming, and approachable.
- An active listener who assists and signposts following raised concerns brought to them
- Follows data privacy and safeguarding of sensitive information – unless an individual is at risk then disclosing information to relevant party’s only on a needs to know basis
Social Secretary
- Organises the club’s weekly socials, including joint socials with other university clubs and ‘big’ socials each term (e.g. Christmas Meal/Party).
- Organises the freshers surf trip and NSR.
- Writes the bi-annual members newsletter, Mouthfuls.
Training Secretary
Organises the weekly river sessions (usually on Wednesdays) and pool sessions.
- Produces/maintains a plan for teaching.
Promotes individual progression for all members.
- Should encourage members to become involved in coaching and safety qualifications.
Kit Secretary
Responsible for repairing and organising the club kit.
Takes an inventory each term, or at least twice per year. This should be coordinated with the Safety Secretary.
Fills in the insurance claims and ensures new purchases are added to the schedule.
Suggests new kit purchases.
Web Secretary
- Maintain the club’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
- Create and admin the fresher Facebook group for the upcoming year.
- Promote the club’s major fresher events on social media.
- Responsible for designing and printing the fresher poster for distribution at bunfight and fresher’s taster weekend.
- Maintaining the club website and ensuring it is fully up to date, assistance is available from previous developers.
Safety Secretary
- Complete and update the club’s risk assessments to meet AU requirements for the January- December cycle.
- Perform kit inspections to ensure all kit is in a usable, safe working condition alongside the Kit Secretary. Any damaged kit is marked to be either repaired or removed from use.
- Maintain and update the health form records throughout the year.
- Maintain the club’s safety kits and resupply them as needed for every river session and club trip.
- Deliver the annual compulsory Safety Talk if appropriately experienced, otherwise this may be undertaken by other committee members.